level design class – final project

Vertical Platformer

For my final project of my level design class, I made a vertical 3D platformer game. The game has a simple graphics and assets theme that enhance the gameplay experience, and in the game you control a character that is in third-person. Your objective is to reach the top. At the top, the you will find a portal to win the game.

In this game you can sprint using the shift key, and mantle on objects. The core mechanic of the game is mastering the art of platforming, and pushing your skills to the limit as you navigate obstacles and challenges that stand between you and getting
to the top. If you fail in this game and fall, you might get lucky and fall onto a platform below you, or not get so lucky and fall all the way back to the bottom, where you have to start over from the beginning.

Also, there is one main path for players to take to the very top, but there are also several alternate paths. Each path has a different difficulty level. The more risky the path, the shorter amount of time it will take you to get to the top. On some risky paths, you will find skips which consist of elevators that take you one step closer to the top.

This game was created for the final project of my level design class in spring, 2024.

2024, Unreal Engine 5, 3rd Person, Mouse and Keyboard.



beginning of game.


first path selection.


midway through the right path.


beginning of sidescroller mountain.


find your way to the blue room.


towering view over previous sections.